Events For 05/30/2019

7-9am Thu. May. 30

Duluth Audubon Society Thursday Warbler Walk

Meeting at the Western Waterfront trail parking lot behind the Munger Inn, we will seek out migrating bird species, learning identification skills and creating community along the way.

Western Waterfront Trail, Pulaski St, Duluth

Cost: Free

5pm Thu. May. 30

Paul Jones

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

5pm Thu. May. 30

Darin Bergsven

Spirit Room 1323 Broadway St., Superior

5:30-7:30pm Thu. May. 30

Asemaa: Anishinaabeg Cultural Practices

This free and open to the public event will focus on the traditional, cultural and spiritual practices with Asemaa (tobacco) with our ceremonies dealing with food and harvest time. This will be a great opportunity for intercultural education and awareness around this traditional practice and with information on the difference between commercial tobacco use and ceremonial use.

Niiwin Indigenous Foods Market 102 E. 4th St., Duluth

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages

6pm Thu. May. 30

Camille Marsten

Ursa Minor Brewing 2415 W. Superior St. Suite B, Duluth

7pm Thu. May. 30

John & Andy

Pickwick Restaurant 508 E. Superior St., Duluth

7pm Thu. May. 30

Celtic Jam

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

7:30pm Thu. May. 30


The Underground 506 W. Michigan St., Duluth

10pm Thu. May. 30

Bands in the Back

Dubh Linn Irish Brew Pub 109 W. Superior St., Duluth