Events For 05/15/2019

noon-3pm Wed. May. 15

Antique Appraisal

Bring your antique/collectible item to the St. Louis County Heritage & Arts Center (the Depot) for a free appraisal. The St. Louis County Historical Society has arranged for Dan Sershon of Northland Estate Services and Denny Mager of Northern Specialty, both experts in antique appraisal, to be at your service. Please arrive before 2:30 p.m. to register in person. You may bring up to two items per person for an informal oral identification and evaluation of each antique. If the piece is too large or fragile to be hand-carried, clear photographs with a description of any marks and labels will be sufficient.

Depot Great Hall 506 W. Michigan St.

Cost: Free

5pm Wed. May. 15

Similar Dogs

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

5:30-7:30pm Wed. May. 15

Lincoln Park After Dark

Join us for a fun evening at Bowery Bros! Open to members and non members - bring friends! Meet business owners and neighbors and catch up on what’s new in the craft district!

Bowery Bros 505 W Superior St, Duluth

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages

6-10pm Wed. May. 15

Open mic

Wussow's Concert Cafe 324 N. Central Ave., Duluth

7-10pm Wed. May. 15

Jam Night

Powerhouse Bar 423 Third Ave., Proctor

7pm Wed. May. 15

Bluegrass Jam

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

7:30pm Wed. May. 15


DECC Amsoil Arena 350 Harbor Drive, Duluth

8pm Wed. May. 15

Black River Revue

Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior