Events For 12/05/2020

8am-10pm Sat. Dec. 5

Pepperkakebyen (Gingerbread City)

Catch our virtual tour online or stop outside to peer in the Nordic Center to see all the houses through our magical and expanded window viewing experience. You won't want to miss the awesome Glensheen Mansion! You could almost eat it. Have you made your own gingerbread house? Let us know and we will post it on our website. Use #PepperkakebyenDuluth in your social media!

Nordic Center 23 N. Lake Ave., Duluth

Cost: Free

7pm Sat. Dec. 5

Women of Broadway: Vanessa Williams

Live virtual performance from The Shubert Virtual Studios on Manhattan’s West Side will benefit Minnesota theaters including the Duluth Playhouse.

Duluth Playhouse, Duluth