Events For 10/02/2019

4:30pm Wed. Oct. 2

Scott & Corwin

Belknap Lounge 130 Belknap St., Superior

5pm Wed. Oct. 2

Actual Wolf

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

5pm Wed. Oct. 2

Jim Hall

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

6-9pm Wed. Oct. 2


LazyLightning420 perform complete, specific Grateful Dead concerts.

Ripple Bar on Lake Superior 325 S. Lake Ave Ste. 109, Duluth

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages

6-10pm Wed. Oct. 2

Open mic

Wussow's Concert Cafe 324 N. Central Ave., Duluth

6pm Wed. Oct. 2

Luke LeBlanc

Bent Paddle Taproom 1832 W. Michigan St., Duluth

6:30-8:30pm Wed. Oct. 2

An Evening with the Duluth Paranormal Society

Hear from real-life ghost hunters, learn about the equipment they use to investigate paranormal activity and experience actual evidence from their investigations. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library.

Superior Public Library 1530 Tower Avenue, Superior

Cost: Free

Age: 8+

7-10pm Wed. Oct. 2

Jam Night

Powerhouse Bar 423 Third Ave., Proctor

7pm Wed. Oct. 2

Bluegrass Jam

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

8pm Wed. Oct. 2

Ian Alexy

Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior