12:30pm Sun. Mar. 21

UMD Men's Baseball

University of Minnesota-Duluth nsicnetwork.com/umdbulldogs, Duluth

1-4pm Sun. Mar. 21

Nordic Crowns wire workshop

Zoom Wire Workshop with Faith Clover. Luffarslöjd or luffarslöyd is an old Swedish craft of making beautiful and useful objects for everyday use. With simple tools and wire of various gauges and materials, students will learn the basic…

Nordic Center nordiccenterduluth.org, Duluth

Cost: $75

Age: 14+

2:30pm Sun. Mar. 21

UMD Men's Baseball

University of Minnesota-Duluth nsicnetwork.com/umdbulldogs, Duluth

3pm Sun. Mar. 21

Climate Emergency Poetry 6

Duluth poets Meridel Kahl, Paulette Warren, and Jacob Mahon join featured legends, Bart Sutter and Jim Lenfestey in an hour of poetry, passion, praise, and prayer in a time of climate change.

Lake Superior Writers Climate Emergency Poetry on Facebook

3:30pm Sun. Mar. 21

UWS Men's Baseball

University of Wisconsin-Superior ifan.tv, Superior