11:30am-5pm Sun. Sep. 12

Superior Museum Crawl

Multiple locations superiorcrawl21.givesmart.com, Superior

3:30-7pm Sun. Sep. 12

Gathering in the Park

Kirk Bangstad, owner of Minocqua Brewing and fair maps advocate, will be the featured speaker at the “Gathering in the Park” on Sunday, Sept. 12 in Cable, Wisconsin.Also speaking will be State Rep. Beth Meyers and State Sen, Janet Bewley. All area residents and friends are encouraged to bring a picnic, chairs and/or blanket. Children are welcome.   This is a rain or shine event. The park, located west ½ mile west of downtown Cable, has a large open aired shelter. Covid safety measures will be in place. The Gathering in the Park is sponsored by Up North Engaged, a citizens group whose mission is to be an informed and engaged citizenry committed to protecting our constitutional rights, our shared planet, and each other.

Cable Recreation Park Pavilion 12955 Cable Sunset Rd., Cable

Cost: Free