9am-3pm Sun. May. 5
Kettle River Paddling Festival
Banning State Park 61101 Banning Park Rd., Sandstone
9am-3pm Sun. May. 5
Banning State Park 61101 Banning Park Rd., Sandstone
9:30-11:30am Sun. May. 5
Chambers Grove Park 13404 Hwy. 23, Duluth
Cost: Free, registration recommended
Age: All Ages
11am-1pm Sun. May. 5
Wussow's Concert Cafe 324 N. Central Ave., Duluth
1pm Sun. May. 5
Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior
1:30pm Sun. May. 5
Multiple locations Duluth and Superior
2-4pm Sun. May. 5
Zenith Bookstore 318 Central Ave, Duluth
2-6pm Sun. May. 5
Locker Room 403 Roosevelt St., Coleraine
2pm Sun. May. 5
Holden Fine Arts-UWS Campus 1805 Catlin Ave., Superior
2pm Sun. May. 5
The West Theatre 319 N. Central Ave., Duluth
2pm Sun. May. 5
Harbor City International School 332 W. Michigan St., Duluth
3pm Sun. May. 5
Holden Fine Arts Center, Webb Recital Hall 1805 Catlin Ave., Superior
5pm Sun. May. 5
Proctor Speedway 800 N. Boundary Ave., Proctor
7pm Sun. May. 5
The West Theatre 319 N. Central Ave., Duluth
7pm Sun. May. 5
Faith United Methodist Church 1531 Hughitt Ave., Superior