10am-9pm Fri. Feb. 9

Escape The Bong

Sign up ASAP as these rooms book FAST! Find more information at https://www.escaperoomparties.com/events and book your time-slot & perfect theme TODAY! 4 Themed Rooms for 2024: 1. Escape & Evade 2. The Hornet’s Nest 3. Mama B’s & Papa T’s Speakeasy 4. Blackbeard’s Bounty

Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center 305 Harbor View Parkway, Superior

Cost: Adult $26.50 per person, Child under 12 $16 per person

Age: All Ages

3:40-5pm Fri. Feb. 9

Cultivating Anti-Racism in Childhood

Racism influences the development of all children, including White children. In this talk, Dr. Taylor Hazelbaker will discuss what children know about race, how they learn about race at home, at school, and in the media, and how we can teach them to challenge racism and embrace anti-racism.

College of St. Scholastica Library North Reading Room 1200 Kenwood Ave., Duluth

Cost: FREE

4pm Fri. Feb. 9

Dan the Monkeyman

Wussow's Concert Cafe 324 N. Central Ave., Duluth

4pm Fri. Feb. 9

Gavin St. Clair

Northern Waters Smokehaus 394 Lake Ave. S., Duluth

5-8pm Fri. Feb. 9

Mackie Brothers

Keyport Lounge 1900 Belknap St., Superior

5pm Fri. Feb. 9

Similar Dogs

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

5pm Fri. Feb. 9

Nick Foytik

Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior

5:30-8pm Fri. Feb. 9

Tom O'Hara

Join us for a free evening of jazz and pop tunes. Sip on top-notch whiskey, wine, and cocktails while soaking in the soulful vibe. Tom O'Hara, guitar maestro, UMD Jazz Studies grad and member of the NightSong Jazz Trio, is bringing his 30 years of…

Rathskeller 132 E. Michigan St., Duluth

Cost: FREE

Age: 21+

6pm Fri. Feb. 9

Leslie Vincent

Leslie Vincent returns to the Rathskeller for another unforgettable performance. Grab a drink and enjoy the amazing music of this Minneapolis jazz/pop sensation in our intimate underground setting. Doors open at 5pm for a captivating evening of…

Rathskeller 132 E. Michigan St., Duluth

Cost: FREE

Age: 21+

6:30pm Fri. Feb. 9

Tab & Nicole

Superior Tavern 1224 Tower Ave., Superior

7pm Fri. Feb. 9

Ecstatic Dance Duluth

Ecstatic Dance is free-form movement inspired by music, allowing our bodies to move freely without judgment or concern. It is about dancing like no one is watching you. Join us and enjoy a safe space to dance without talking, drinking, and the nightclub vibe. This is about getting great exercise, freeing your mind and body, and connecting with yourself and others in vibrant health.

Mohaupt Building 2024 West Superior St, Duluth

Cost: $10 suggestion donation

Age: All Ages

7pm Fri. Feb. 9

John & Andy

Belknap Lounge 130 Belknap St., Superior

7:30-9pm Fri. Feb. 9

Comedian Nick Griffin

Twin Ports Comedy is proud to bring Nick Griffin to headline the Jade Fountain Cocktail Lounge for 2 shows! (Click the Ticket link for specific times) Nick Griffin has appeared on Conan, The Late Late Show, in his own half-hour Comedy Central special and was featured on The Late Show with David Letterman eleven times.

Jade Fountain 305 N. Central Ave., Duluth

Cost: $15

Age: 21+

7:30-10pm Fri. Feb. 9

Austin Skalecki

Delight in the folk and blues-inspired melodies of singer-songwriter Austin Skalecki. With an opening act by Isiah Driessen, the evening promises to be a harmonious blend of talent and camaraderie, creating memories that will last a lifetime…

The Barrel Room Fitger's Complex, 600 E. Superior St., Duluth

Cost: $10

Age: All Ages

9:30-11pm Fri. Feb. 9

Comedian Nick Griffin

Twin Ports Comedy is proud to bring Nick Griffin to headline the Jade Fountain Cocktail Lounge for 2 shows! (Click the Ticket link for specific times) Nick Griffin has appeared on Conan, The Late Late Show, in his own half-hour Comedy Central special and was featured on The Late Show with David Letterman eleven times.

Jade Fountain 305 N. Central Ave., Duluth

Cost: $15

Age: 21+