5-8pm Wed. Mar. 30

Mahon Brothers

Thirsty Pagan 1615 Winter St., Superior

5pm Wed. Mar. 30

Nate Weiler

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

7-8pm Wed. Mar. 30

Making a Dala Horse

If you've ever wanted to know how a high caliber artist goes about making a dala horse, tune in for a demonstration by the Nordic Center's current featured artist, Linley Erickson. On Wednesday, March 30, join us via Zoom at 7pm for a fun and informative "how-to" tutorial. Send an e-mail to nordiccenterofduluth@gmail.com to request the Zoom link.

The Nordic Center 23 N. Lake Avenue, Duluth

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages