Unweaving - Artist Talk

Artist Tia Keobounpheng (aka Tia Keo) invites the Duluth community to engage and experience a new temporary outdoor public art project installed in Sister Cities Park during the months of September and October 2020. Social distancing. Please wear a mask.

UNWEAVING explores the ways tradition, culture, communities, and individuals are unwoven when we are disconnected from our foundation of ancestral history (ie. when we don’t know our stories or when truths are suppressed or not acknowledged.) A different unweaving can loosen us from perpetuating unconscious pattern behaviors, make sense of our position in the larger social fabric, and enable reweaving a more honest and equitable future.

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Sat. Sep. 12, 2020   1-2pm

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Sister Cities Park
The Lakewalk
Duluth, MN 55802