Best of the Northland 2013 Reader Poll

Oh yes, it’s that time of year again! It’s time for the annual popularity poll that makes you either cheer with excitement or cower into a corner in a vivid flashback of your high-school years. Oh, come on, admit it. You secretly love the attention, don’t you? Of course you do.

Add your most honest answer while crossing your fingers and crossing your heart at the same time.

Take a look at the list. Have fun with it. Be inventive, imaginative, and entertaining with your responses. if you don’t like the categories, make up some of your own and toss in your commentary wherever you see fit. 




The Rules:

  1. All answers must be locally sourced. But our range of influence spans from Grand Marais to Cloquet and all the way over to Bayfield WI, so you have some options.
  2. You must be signed-in to vote. If you don't have an account you can create one in seconds (all you need is an email address).
  3. You can vote for each item once. (you can also "un-vote" if you change your mind)

If you want a business or band or whatever to win, it’s OK to talk it up among your friends.

Votes must be cast by: January 25th, 2014

We offer prizes! For both random and for most entertaining and inventive answers!

What sort of prizes? certificates...of...some kind. It depends on what we have on hand or what we can pry out of the pockets of our advertisers. We are awarding separate prizes to those who enter via snail mail and online.