You Can Write Haiku

You can write haiku
Next come seven syllables
Then another five!

Haiku an art form
I cannot think how to do.
Once I start oh wow.

Haiku you can do.
Just forget correct grammar.
And write what you think.

In the dark of night
I wrote haiku left and right.
Gone with morning mist.

Many of these have been
In my notes for a long time
Now I share with you.

The order random
Just like my poor
scatter brain.
If you chuckle, fine.

Impatient patient
Waiting, waiting, and
Doc will see you now!

The older I am
There is so much more to do,
Haiku forgotten.

It is a good thing
To think difficult deep thoughts,
Results could come soon.

Count so carefully,
Two of the haiku I wrote
Had more syllables.

Oh, I misled you!
The previous is about
Something I had fixed.

You don’t like being
A bit silly now and then?
Stop reading right now.

Now it is bedtime,
But my brain is now working
Overtime darn it!

English is crazy
Sows got in a row over
How to sow in rows.

Poetry Sunday
Was attended by too few
I had no haiku.

If I cannot sleep
My brain generates haiku.
Must write or forget.

Silly doggerel
Is not what haiku should be.
But what do I know.

There is a new beer
Canoe give me Bent Paddle?
I’ll take the hops, please!

To write a haiku
You have to add or subtract
A word on a line.

The fire is now lit
Back to bed I can now go
Up again too soon.

Some of the above
Were written as I got cold
In a small cabin.

Most haiku I write
Are little bits of humor.
Next is serious.

If you really want
To have a democracy
Remember to vote.

Let’s try politics,
Both funny and serious,
Comic and tragic.

Carter farmed peanuts,
Knew lots about submarines
Not much of Islam

Reagan complained that
Government was the
How did ray-gun work?

Clinton promised a lot.
Congress helped and
hindered him,
Then came Monica.

The muse has left me,
The line count could
fill a page,
I’ll quit while ahead.
Is the place to find much
Witty and profound.