A Chronology of Forced Fluoridation of Community Water Supplies (Part 2 1944 – 1952)

Gary G. Kohls, MD

In which is revealed the evidence of conspiracies against the public health that were orchestrated by a host of conscienceless, highly profitable multinational corporations, institutes and professional agencies that profited from the forced fluoridation of municipal water supplies, involving ALCOA (Aluminum Company of America), Kaiser Aluminum, Proctor and Gamble, Ethyl Corporation, General Electric, DuPont de Nemours, I. G. Farben, Dow Chemical, Sun Oil Company, General Chemical Company, Mellon Institute, Kettering Laboratory, Department of Defense, U.S. Public Health Service, American Medical Association, American Dental Association, Secretary of the US Treasury (Andrew W. Mellon 1928), master propagandist Edward L. Bernays (nephew to Sigmund Freud), and others.
This abridged and edited list is obtained from a 21,000 word compilation that can be accessed at: http://curezone.com/dental/fluoride.asp

Compiled by Val Valerian

1944 The October 1944 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association cautions that “knowledge of the subject does not warrant the introduction of fluorine in community water supplies generally. Sodium fluoride is a highly toxic substance, and while its applications in safe concentrations, and under strict control by competent personnel, may prove to be useful therapeutically, under other circumstances it may definitely be harmful. To be effective, fluorine must be ingested into the system during the years of tooth development, and we do not yet know enough about the chemistry involved to anticipate what other conditions may be produced in the structure of the bone and other tissues of the body generally. We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteosclerosis, spondylosis, and osteopetrosis, as well as goiter, and we cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances in applying what is at present a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurements among children ... because of our anxiety to find some therapeutic procedure that will promote mass prevention of caries, the seeming potentialities of fluorine appear speculatively attractive, but, in the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.”

1945 The newspaper Philadelphia Record, 18 October 1945, reveals an article entitled “First Bomb Suit for Ruined Peaches filed by Salem County Growers for $400,000” details suits against chemical manufacturers connected with the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project for hydrogen fluoride damage to peach groves. Companies involved were DuPont de Nemours (which has been interacting with I.G. Farben in Nazi Germany), the Sun Oil Company and the General Chemical Company.

1945 The government does a public test case of fluoridation, comparing fluoridated Grand Rapids with un-fluoridated Muskegon, Michigan. The study is to last ten years. After one year, it becomes obvious to the government that fluorides do not conform to their public propaganda, and the study is terminated. The city of Muskegon is then fluoridated in 1947 to conceal the difference in effect. Other experiments are performed covertly on population areas, without the knowledge of the subjects.

1945 A study reveals that fluoride’s affinity for magnesium and manganese ions enables it to deplete their availability for vital enzyme functions. (Borei, H., “Inhibition of Cellular Oxidation by Fluoride”, Arkiv.Kemi,Mineral,Geol., 20A, No. 8, 1945).

1946 Reports from the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the Armed Forces for 1946 and 1947 reveal how forced fluoridation of water supplies at military bases make American troops docile.

1946 Water fluoridation proponents claim no benefits for people over 9 years of age, promising the magic effect of fluorides occurred prior to eruption of teeth. Despite this claim, all U.S. military reservations, populated by adults, were heavily fluoridated.

1947 ALCOA lawyer Oscar Ewing is appointed head of the Federal Security Agency, later HEW, a position that places him in charge of the Public Health Service. Under Ewing, a national fluoridation campaign rapidly materializes, spearheaded by the Public Health Service. Over the next three years, 87 additional cities were fluoridated, including the control city of Muskegon in the original Michigan experiment, thus wiping out the most scientifically objective test of safety and “benefit” before the test was half over. Ewing’s public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was Edward L. Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, who pioneered Freudian theory toward advertising and government propaganda. (See Bernay’s, 1928 and his book Propaganda). Because of Bernay’s people would be induced to forget that fluorides were toxic poisons. Opponents to the fluoride program were painted as “deranged”. In 1996 they would be painted as “civil rights activists”.

1947 Forrestal appointed Secretary of Defense. Asked to resign in 1949 after noting forces planning the war in Korea. See 1949. Later murdered. Forrestal was very much opposed to the use of fluorides on military bases to keep the troops docile. (York Daily Times, Letters to the Editor from former FBI agent Wesley C. Trollope, Omaha, Neb., March 17, 1967).

1948 Study done in England where bone defects in three groups of school boys were studied. Two groups were from districts where the water supply was practically free of fluorine. The third group was from the town of Launton, where the natural water supply contains 1ppm of fluorine (the same as the level deemed “safe” by the U.S. Public Health Service). X-ray examination revealed that 20 percent of the first two groups had mild non-specific spinal irregularities. In the third group, the one consuming 1ppm fluoride in their water, 64% were found to have spinal defects, and lesions were more severe.

1948 John McCone becomes Secretary of Defense of the United States. McCone gives contracts to Standard Oil and Kaiser Aluminum, in which he already has financial interests. Aluminum manufacture by-products, fluorides, would be added to the population water supplies to induce submission by damaging the brain and stem resistance to domination by global socialism.

1950 The 24th edition of the U.S. Dispensatory (pp 1456-1457) defines fluorides as “violent poisons to all living tissue because of their precipitation of calcium. They cause fall of blood pressure, respiratory failure, and general paralysis. Continuous ingestion of non-fatal doses causes permanent inhibition of growth ... the use of fluoride-containing dentifrices and internal medications is not justified.” In subsequent editions, the editors removed this entire portion. Why? Science and biology doesn’t change. Political agendas do.

1950 Alcoa Aluminum’s Vancouver, Washington plant is found guilty of dumping 7,000 pounds of toxic fluorides each month into the Columbia River. According to the December 15, 1952 Seattle Times, “the fluoride contaminated the grass and forage and resulted in injury and death to cattle.” See 1957 (Alcoa).

1950 The U.S. Public Health Service officially publicly endorses the concept of the addition of fluorides to public water supplies.

1950 The Seventh Annual Report of the Sugar Research Foundation recognizes sugar as the major cause of tooth decay. The SRF furnishes grants to the Harvard Department of Nutrition to “solve the tooth decay problem without restricting sugar consumption”. The result of these grants was the advocating of water fluoridation.

1950 The Seventh Annual Report of the Sugar Research Foundation (130 corporations) expresses its “aim in dental research”: to discover means of controlling tooth decay by methods other than restricting sugar intake. Two institutions most aggressive in promotion of water fluoridation, the Dental Schools of Harvard and the University of Rochester, receive large grants for fluoride research from the sugar industry.

1950 Soviets add fluorides to water in prison system to maintain subservience in the inmate population, affect the central nervous system and produce compliance with authority. Fluorides shipped from the US via Alaska, starting in the 1940’s, to the Soviets for use in their Gulag prison system. The U.S. continues to promote addition of fluorides to public water supplies.

1950 In the Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol 40:440, April 1950, was a study by G.J. Cox and H.C. Hodge, “Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry”, which says, “Some of the basic and necessary metabolic processes in the cell are stopped by concentrations of fluorides such as are found in acute poisoning. These changes are comparable to those seen in high-grade anoxia and are the basis for describing fluorides as general protoplasmic poisons.” Study also quoted in JADA Nov 1962, pp.687-688.

1951 The February 10, 1951 issue of JAMA Medical Literature reports the following symptoms of chronic fluoride poisoning, stating “Chronic intoxications resulting from prolonged intake of smaller amounts of fluorides include dental fluorosis. Fluoride also tends to accumulate in bones, leading to hyper-calcification and brittleness. Ligaments and tendons also become calcified. Serious symptoms may ensue, such as loss of mobility of joints, easy fractures and pressure on the spinal cord. Other effects include baldness in young men, accompanied by increased fluoride concentrations in hair and nails, anemia and decreased blood clotting power due to the binding of calcium. Dysmenorrhea, alterations in growth and weight, lowered birth rate, high incidence of fracture, thyroid alterations and liver damage have been observed in regions of endemic fluorosis.”

1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation were outlined. Thus the USPHS formed an alliance with medical trade unions and industry to promote the addition of toxic fluorides to the public water supplies. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride, deliberately misinform the public by relating the presence of “high-fluoride areas” to “less cancer and less polio” - an entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated - just like the inmates in Soviet and German prisons and camps. Their technique was not to refute the thing but to show that the opposite was true, even if the opposite was not true. Ref: Proceedings of the 1951 meeting in Washington D.C.

1952 After Dr. A.L. Miller, former Nebraska Health Commissioner, became a Congressman, and found he had been bamboozled by the former highly paid attorney for Alcoa Aluminum, Oscar Ewing (who later founded Triangle Research Park) into helping fluoridate the water of Washington, D.C., Miller revealed at a Congressional Hearing, reported in the March 24, 1952 Congressional Record, how he had been misled. He wondered aloud about how Mr. Ewing became Federal Security Administrator and whether Alcoa “might not have a deep interest in getting rid of the waste products from the manufacture of aluminum products”. Miller asked Dr. John D. Porterfield of the U.S. Department of Agriculture if studies had been done to see what fluorides might do to pregnant women. Porterfield replied, “They have different objectives in mind, sir. There is more money available for matters that have economic value than there is for health.”

1952 The American Dental Association publishes an issue of its Journal instructing its dentists not to discuss their personal opinions about fluoride.