Sunrise PhotoMeet at Glensheen

It's the first Glensheen PhotoMeet of 2019! In celebration of the beginning of summer, we invite you to a sunrise PhotoMeet to capture the epic morning magic on the grounds of Glensheen. You don't need to be an Instagrammer or a part of any club to attend. Amateurs, professionals, and everyone in between are welcome. Videographers are welcome too! Coffee from Duluth Coffee Company will be provided. Sunrise is at 5:18 a.m. If you are not an early bird and opt to skip the sunrise, feel free to come anytime between 4:30 am - 7:30 a.m. Those with a photo badge are free to stay past 7:30 a.m. If you'd like a photo badge, please contact Marketing Manager, Jane, at As always, favorites from the event will be shared (credit is given once permission to share is granted) on Glensheen's Facebook and Instagram accounts. Please use hashtags, #sunriseatglensheen, and #glensheen or simply tag Glensheen in your photo. If you are not a social media user, feel free to email photos to Marketing Manager, Jane Pederson at for consideration. "Best in Show" will be awarded a Summer Evening Tour for two. This award is determined by overall social engagement on a photo(s) and/or Dan and Jane's personal preferences.

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Sat. Jun. 1, 2019   4:30-7:30am

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Glensheen Mansion
3300 London Rd.
Duluth, MN 55804