Dagwaagin Fall Encampment

Watch several re-enactors demonstrating flint knapping, firestarting, rope making, duck decoys constructed from cattails, and more - think of it as a mini-Rendezvous along with shorter tours of the historic site and Ojibwe Village. The clay ovens will be fired and several primitive camps will be set up. Tomahawk throwing and archery are included.

Cost: $10 for adults, $8 for Seniors 65+, Retired/Active Military and College Students; $6 for children 6-17 and free for children 5 and under.

Age: All Ages


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Sat. Oct. 6, 2018   10am-4pm

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Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
8500 County Rd U
Danbury, WI 54830