Articles, News, Photos, and Videos matching "Duty"

Debunking the Myth of American Exceptionalism

Wed. Sep. 23rd, 2015  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

America is – embarrassingly so - exceptional in one major area. It leads the world in military expenditures, spending approximately the same amount that the rest of the world combined spends

Moneyed elites get richer the old-fashioned way: Stealing

Wed. Oct. 14th, 2015

Now, which group do you think pays the lowest rate of income tax? Right… the uber-rich Wall Streeters! Incredibly, Congress (in its inscrutable wisdom) gives preferential tax treatment to the narcissistic money manipulators who do practically nothing

Is Joe Mauer The New Media Whipping Boy?

Wed. Oct. 14th, 2015  |  Marc Elliott

In this particular story, the headline and content aren’t too kind to the local hero. And of course, at this point in his career, Mauer’s immense contract is a frequent measuring tool as to what he should or shouldn’t be doing at this point

Confessions of a Medical Heretic

Thu. Oct. 22nd, 2015  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

The reputation of Lilly since the 1960s, however, has been increasingly grimy on the ethical inside but somehow still somewhat shiny when it comes to corporate profits.