5-8pm Thu. Nov. 10

Ian Alexy

Thirsty Pagan 1615 Winter St., Superior

5:30-7:30pm Thu. Nov. 10

Annual Celebration of Progress: St. Louis River Area of Concern

Join the St. Louis River Alliance and AOC Partners for our Annual Celebration of Progress. Come learn about the progress made this past year towards delisting the St. Louis River as an Area of Concern (AOC). This event is free and open to the public.

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages

6-8pm Thu. Nov. 10

Denfeld Jazz

Wussow's Concert Cafe 324 N. Central Ave., Duluth

6-8pm Thu. Nov. 10

Kaylee Matuszak

Bent Paddle Taproom 1832 W. Michigan St., Duluth

7pm Thu. Nov. 10


Thorpe Langley Auditorium-UWS 1710 Weeks Ave., Superior

7pm Thu. Nov. 10

CSS Men's Hockey

Mars Lakeview Arena 1201 Rice Lake Rd., Duluth

8pm Thu. Nov. 10

Open Mic Comedy

Dubh Linn Irish Brew Pub 109 W. Superior St., Duluth