4-7pm Thu. Oct. 7
First Thursdays Quad Cities Art Walk
facebook.com/FirstThursdaysQC, Virginia, Eveleth, Gilbert, Mountain Iron
4-7pm Thu. Oct. 7
facebook.com/FirstThursdaysQC, Virginia, Eveleth, Gilbert, Mountain Iron
4-7pm Thu. Oct. 7
Cultures, Humanities & Arts on the Iron Range 510 Chestnut St., Virginia
5-8pm Thu. Oct. 7
Thirsty Pagan 1615 Winter St., Superior
6-8pm Thu. Oct. 7
Cascade Lodge 3719 Hwy. 61, Lutsen
6-8pm Thu. Oct. 7
Bent Paddle Taproom 1832 W. Michigan St., Duluth
6-9pm Thu. Oct. 7
Powerhouse Bar 423 Third Ave., Proctor
6pm Thu. Oct. 7
Unwined Up North 31 3rd St. NE, Grand Rapids
6pm Thu. Oct. 7
Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior
6:30-10pm Thu. Oct. 7
William A. Irvin 301 Harbor Drive, Duluth
6:30pm Thu. Oct. 7
Fitger's Spirit of the North Theater 600 E. Superior St., Duluth
7pm Thu. Oct. 7
Zenith Bookstore 318 Central Ave, Duluth
7pm Thu. Oct. 7
Reif Performing Arts Center 720 NW Conifer Drive, Grand Rapids
7:30pm Thu. Oct. 7
The West Theatre 319 N. Central Ave., Duluth