Events For 06/12/2021

9am-1pm Sat. Jun. 12

Makers Market

Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery 1715 N. 3rd St., Superior

2-4pm Sat. Jun. 12


Out of the Woods Winery 10588 Main St., Hayward

4pm Sat. Jun. 12

Kim Harrington

Rapids Brewing 214 N Pokegama Ave., Grand Rapids

6-9pm Sat. Jun. 12

Remi Moulder

Thirsty Pagan 1615 Winter St., Superior

6pm Sat. Jun. 12

Mackie Brothers

Sir Benedict's Tavern 805 E. Superior St., Duluth

6pm Sat. Jun. 12

Shagawa Shorty

Klockow Brewing 36 SE 10th St., Grand Rapids

6pm Sat. Jun. 12

Ditty Wish

Unwined Up North 31 3rd St. NE, Grand Rapids

6:15pm Sat. Jun. 12

Ashland Races

ABC Raceway 2187 Butterworth Rd., Ashland

6:30pm Sat. Jun. 12

Hibbing Races

Hibbing Raceway 1799 E. 23rd St., Hibbing

7pm Sat. Jun. 12


Cast Iron Bar & Grill 5906 Old Miller Trunk Hwy, Duluth

7:30pm Sat. Jun. 12

Age of Aquarius

NorShor Theatre 211 E Superior St, Duluth

8pm Sat. Jun. 12

Aaron Scott

Bayfield Inn 20 Rittenhouse Ave., Bayfield

8:30pm Sat. Jun. 12

Thirsty River

Gunflint Tavern 111 Wisconsin St., Grand Marais