Ed Raymond

Ed Raymond is a former Marine officer and school board superintendent, and resides in Detroit Lakes.

Content By This Contributor:

Another Southpaw

Ed Raymond

Am I Left-Handed Because Of Genes? Am I Heterosexual Because Of Genes?


Ed Raymond

Living Paycheck To Paycheck

Ed Raymond

There is not a state in the country where a full-time individual Walmart or Amazon worker makes enough money to cover the basic costs of living in that state, let alone the costs of a family.

What Happens If Conspicuous Consumption Becomes Global?

Ed Raymond

Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, certainly not known for his altruism, expressed the views of the Republican Party, now the Trump Party, in this pithy-or pissy-statement: “The American way of life is nonnegotiable.” You better not bet your sweet bippy on that, Dick.

Empty Pews and Collection Plates

Ed Raymond

“Religious leaders spend their time talking about what happens at the end of the world when practically everyone sitting in the pews are probably worried about how they are going to survive to the end of the month.”

Will Knowledge Ever Win The Political Sweepstakes?

Ed Raymond

“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” “Conservative” Trump-Republicans continue to insist that health care is a privilege, not a right. Americans pay twice as much for health care as any other civilized nation on the planet