Dynamic duo of Trumplicans and billionairedom

Ed Raymond

What will King Donald accomplish with a $300 billion cabinet?

If you wonder how ordinary people get to be billionaires, work on this idea for a minute. 
Christian Dior employs Italian sweatshop workers, mostly women, to “manufacture” purses it sells back to Dior for $57 – who then sells them for $2,816 to women of the One Percent. 

I call Trumplicans and billionaires the Dynamic Duo. Batman and his young buddy Robin spent days and nights saving cities and humanity from disasters and death, performing as the “Dynamic Duo.”  
King Donald, Trumplicans and a nest of greedy billionaires will now spend days and nights in the next four years robbin’ 99 percent of the “working class” of their fair share of the nation’s wealth. 
The Dynamic Duo administration has committed felonies and will commit many more instead of solving them.

The Dynamic Duo has been working to gain this position for almost a half century, starting with the great “budget balancer” Ronald Reagan who provided tax cuts for the rich and added trillions to the national debt. 

Those “shining cities on the hills” are filling with homeless and hungry. A Supreme Court appointed by Republican presidents removed campaign funding limits for individuals, corporations and “dark” political pacs dominated by billionaires who create millionaire lawyers to find them tax havens and develop schemes and crimes to hide real estate assets and safes. 

Below are a few economic facts about the condition of our country created for the “common good of all.”

Trumplicans and billionaires are making America a fascist state (MAFS) 

1. The 11,000 richest Americans have wealth exceeding $8.5 trillion, as much as the bottom 84%. 

2. In April of 2024, Designate-King Donald had a meeting with CEOS and billionaires of the fossil fuel industry and asked them for at least a billion in campaign funds. It would pay for the elimination of dozens of environmental regulations that would keep the increase in planet temperature to less than 1.5C. as required by the Paris Agreement. 

Since that meeting, the combined wealth of 15 fossil fuel billionaires increased by $40.2 billion. That means the average wealth of each billionaire is more than $20 billion. Gee, as Senator Bernie Sanders would say: “Could they possibly get by on $999 million?”

3. While large grocery chains gouged Americans with ever-increasing prices, more than 48 million Americans were “food insecure” in 2023, the politician’s term for  “hungry as hell.” While full-time workers work for rotten peanuts, many must use many hours in a week going to SNAP, food banks and food pantries to keep from starving. 

Feeding America, a network of 200 food banks and an amazing 60,000 food pantries and meal programs, feeds millions of Americans each day. It estimates it would take $33 billion a year to supply enough food for poor families. 

Almost all European countries have free school lunch programs for all students regardless of parent income. Only a few DSA states cover free noon lunches for all K-12 students. 
North Dakota, which grows a lot of the food consumed in the world, still had a food insecurity rate of 8.5% in 2022 while the national rate was 13%. Isn’t it about time the state covers free noon lunches for all K-12 students? 

Eight “blue” states – but no “red” states – currently do. In 2024, 156,000 North Dakotans visited food pantries and soup kitchens, including 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 3 children.

4. Homeless American numbers between 2023 and 2024 went up 18% to 771,480, about 23 for every 10,000 people. On the night of the homeless survey, more than 150,000 unaccompanied children were homeless, an increase of 33% from the year before. About 259,000 of the homeless were in families with children. 

Major reasons? Increasing home prices because huge billionaire equity firms are buying houses and rental apartments by the thousands and increasing rents at the same time. Federal minimum wage at $7.25 – when it should be as high as $22 an hour, the lowest possible LIVING wage. 

The recent home-destroying climate-change fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes add thousands to the streets and shelters each week. Remember: humans cannot survive above 125F without air conditioning.

5. If the world’s three richest billionaires – Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg – owned a country, their total wealth would put it at the 21st wealthiest on the planet.

6. In King Donald-owned and Trump- licensed properties in the last 40 years, more than 1,300 were bought by anonymously owned shell properties that paid in cash! No mortgages! 

Shell companies are used to hide ownership and launder very dirty money. One example: on August 12, 2010, a Trump-licensed two-bedroom condo was sold for $956,768 in cash to another shell company. In the afternoon of the same day, the property was sold to another shell company for $525,000 in cash. Geez, laundering very dirty money can be a very expensive because soap and bleach is so very expensive in grocery stores

7. An Oxfam International report on wealth was published on January 20, 2025, ironically when dozens of billionaires were applauding the inauguration of another billionaire becoming King-President of the Divided States of America. (Will the God who saved him during an assassination attempt and then selected him to be king, be pissed that King Donald forgot to put his hand on the Bible God wrote? If worried, ask Franklin Graham to check it out with God. He talks to him all of the time.) 

Anyway, Oxfam claims that four new billionaires were created each week in 2024 and that they added $5.7 billion each day to the cumulative total. Billionaire wealth went up $two trillion in 2024, while efforts to combat global poverty remained stagnant.

8. Big banks and other financial institutions wanted to show their green credentials to the world by joining the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero at a United Nations climate change summit in 2021. At one time the members of this green campaign organization collectively controlled $130 TRILLION in assets. Let’s all keep the carbon increase at zero so the world’s temperature will not exceed by more than 1.5C!  

But then Donald was elected King-President. He says climate change is “one big hoax.” Approve and use wind, solar, wave, nuclear, geothermal, hydrogen and hydo dam to make Planet Earth greener? Bah! Humbug! The earth is still fat and hot with oil and coal! 

So, before the king was inaugurated, the six largest banks in the Divided States of America, including J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs, and Black Rock, the wealthiest equity firm, quickly dropped out of being first responders for saving more than eight billion people from the World Crematorium.

Politicians keep transactioning, prostituting and prostrating!

Mark Short, former chief of stall for Vice-President Mike Pence, who escaped the Jan 6 noose hanging there during King Donald’s insurrection, appears on TV to represent that administration. 

He always uses the words “transactional” or “transactioning” to describe Trump, as in this remark: “For most of corporate America, they didn’t know what to make of the first one (Trump administration). They’ve learned that President Trump is very transactional, so there’s an incentive for them to be a lot more generous this inauguration.” 

As defined in the new Microsoft Dictionary, “transactional” means “a business deal that is being negotiated or settled.”  

We all know what’s for sale or rent in today’s politics. It’s power. We normally use the word “prostitute” when money is exchanged for sex. But cash is also used to pay for a skill or ability in a way that is considered unworthy, such as negotiating a bribe to vote for a shady political act. 

Some politicians simply “prostrate” themselves to show allegiance to a Great Leader. Trumplicans prostrate themselves to their Great Leader like devout Muslims bowing on the floor of a mosque on knees, shoulders and head praying to Allah.

There is one sweet or vulgar word that has not been used to describe the malignant narcissist king who sits on our throne in our White castle. It’s been around for thousands of years in some form and has been used to describe both love and hate. It was first used in Old English as “prica” and in the Middle English word “prikke.” To the New English word “prick” to show lack of compassion, great stupidity and contemptibility. 

Both Geoffrey Chaucer and William Shakespeare used the words freely in their famous works. Chaucer used the words in his Middle English Canterbury Tales, where the word was used as a substitute for penis in sexual intercourse in his description of the very forward “Lady of Bath” in that she was prikked for both love and hate because she was married five times, loved a couple of husbands and hated a couple, and was pricked sexually many times in her life. She said she had the best sex with her fifth husband because he was much younger than she was.

This is as far as I’m going with this subject. If interested, read Chaucer and Shakespeare before the two are banned from libraries by “Christians.” 

I am just surprised that I know of no national character who has called King Donald: “What a prick!” 
He is a certifiable psychopathic sociopath as described in the Manual of mental Deficiencies #5. 
He is also a prick because he is a man “who is a fool, a spiteful or contemptible man often having some authority, stupid, views every woman as a potential instrument of sexual pleasure, and loves one person in his life-himself.” 

These terms have been selected from dictionaries and literary works.

Even millionaires are turning against billionaires and the super-wealthy!

The organization Patriotic Millionaires has surveyed more than 2,000 million-aires in 120 countries – there are 22 million in the Divided States of America – and found that more than half believe extreme wealth concentration is a threat to democracy. 

More than 70% of them feel that the influence of billionaires leads to a decline in trust of the media, the justice systems and democracies in the entire world. 

Millionaire heiress Marlene Engelhorn, a daughter of the family that got rich in the medical technology company Boehringer Mannheim, responded: “The super rich are buying themselves more wealth and power while the rest of the world is living in economic fear.” 

Like many rich she was attending the World Economic Forum which meets at Davos, Switzerland, every year. Abigail Disney, a multi-millionaire daughter of Walt Disney, led 370 millionaires in the Patriotic Millionaires to sign a letter urging that all countries pass a wealth tax. 
Good luck with that!

Good old Democratic-Capitalist Bernie Sanders has the best answer for the greedy obscene depravity of billionaires: “We have 800,000 homeless and millions of people spending 50 or 60% of their limited income on housing. We have a major housing crisis in America, everybody knows it – and Trump in his inaugural address did not devote one word to it. Today we have more income and wealth inequality than we have ever had – but Trump had nothing to say, not one word, about the growing gap between the very rich and everybody else.” 


