Trump’s cologne, complete with his ugly mug in solid gold plastic.


Reading God’s mind
Trump told us he was a “perfect genius.” Now he is claiming to be a mind reader. Specifically he knows what God is thinking.
During an interview about the assassination attempt he was asked why he thought he was spared being killed. Trump said, “I mean, the only thing I can think is that God loves our country and he thinks we’re going to bring our country back. He wants to bring it back.” Asked if he was spared because he had more work to do and if “you were spared for a reason” Trump replied, “Well, God believes that.”

Biden may have been getting old and forgetful but Trump is delusional.

It's the free market stupid!
Trump and other MAGA  Republicans (Tom Tiffany, Pete Stauber, et al) are attacking VP Kamala Harris over inflation. Inflation has suddenly become all her fault. The fact that a vice president – or the president or the federal government – has no control over prices is irrelevant.
In our capitalist economic system the all-knowing, infallible hand of the free market sets prices. According to the economic theory, prices are set “rationally” and “efficiently” by supply and demand. Government control would be evil socialism.
The actual situation is more complicated, There are many reasons why prices can increase. One is the near monopolistic power of a few large corporations who dominate many industries. For example, four conglomerates have 85% the market share in meat processing. They can. and do, engage in price gouging at will.

Republicans could be working with Democrats to control inflation and create a better economy for everyone. But instead they are busy creating stupid, inaccurate campaign attack ads.

People get what they deserve
There is a saying in politics the the people get what they deserve. We have poor political leadership and suffer from bad public policies because most people don’t care enough to participate. They are too busy, lazy, ignorant, pathetic or whatever to be an engaged citizen. And effective democracy requires citizen engagement.

You don’t need to be a political junkie to be an engaged citizen. But you do need to take a little time to become informed on issues. You need fact check or simply think about the sound bits and attacks ads instead of blindly swallowing the lies.
Most people don’t do any of this. They never contribute to or volunteer for a candidate. Talking about issues that matter is impolite. Simply putting up a yard sign too much bother. Many don’t even vote!
So blaming the stupid politicians is stupid. You want a better system, a better economy or a better country then get off you ass and get involved.

It stinks!
We’ve heard the stories about Trump having terrible body odor, possibly because he has had longtime issues controlling both his bladder and bowels. An employee who worked on six seasons of Trump’s The Apprentice has said filming often had to be stopped so Trump’s diapers could be changed and he could be wet-wiped clean by his chief of security Keith Schiller (known to the staff as Wet Wipe Keith). There are tales of his stinkiness going back to the 1980s – one New Yorker claims he and his father were at a Manhattan steak house in 1983 when Trump was asked to leave because customers were compalining about his bad odor.

And then there were the reports during his New York trial earlier this year that he regularly fouled the courtroom air with serial farting. It’s not the first time he was caught farting in public (Google Trump farting next to Feinstein).
All but the MAGA cult know Trump is a big, stinking mess, inside and out. You have to wonder if he tries to block out his pungent aromas with his own cologne, Victory 47.
It’s being hawked on his Trump sneakers website, on a page headlined “Victory Cologne by President Trump,” as if the smelly old dude himself were the perfume chemist who created the fragrance.
It goes on: “Victory is the signature scent of strength and success, encased in a luxurious gold bottle. This cologne, a part of President Trump’s exclusive line, is for the decisive and the bold.
“A crisp opening of citrus blends into a cedar heart, underpinned by a rich base of leather and amber, crafting a commanding presence. Victory is more than a fragrance — this cologne is for the movers, the shakers, and the history makers. Crowned with a Trump Collector’s cap (did they mean ‘crap’?), splash on a bit of Victory and own every room you step into. Victory is very much a collector’s piece. 

Free shipping on orders over $120!”
Love that last line! A single bottle costs $119, so if you want free shipping, you must order two. What a con!