Trum-pli-cans versus De-mon-o-crats

Ed Raymond

If you were shocked, you haven’t been paying attention
I was shocked by the number of TV anchors, reporters, writers, politicians, interviewees and regular folks who used the verb “shocked” when talking about the attempt to kill former President Donald Trump at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

King Donald was only one of approximately 410 people from ages two to 99 who are shot by a firearm every day in the Divided States of America. For the last few years, we have averaged 410 firearm Ks and Ws each day. Trump was only one of about 270 wounded by Glocks and AR-15s each day, ending up in emergency and hospital rooms costing us many millions a day in medical treatments. 

About 140 Americans – 50 by suicide and 90 by homicide – are killed by firearms each day, with the average funeral running somewhere between $6,000 and $10,000 per. In 2023 we had 656 mass shootings – and we are maintaining that pace in 2024. By this time, we should be beyond shock. 
The gun culture, the National Rifle Association, the manufacturers and the Trumplican Party, have created “ho-hum” instead of “shock.” In 2023 we had about 50,000 firearm deaths, following a pattern of many years. Japan had seven firearm deaths last year while England had 28. In the last five years we have sold an average of 20,000,000 firearms a year. 

Various authorities have estimated that Americans own about 435 million firearms, including more than 25 million AR-15 style “assault” rifles. The rifle is often the choice of mass shooters. The Las Vegas mass shooter had 12 AR-15s with bumpstocks firing 1,100 rounds in slightly more than 10 minutes, killing 58 and wounding 835 people. Somebody needs to keep track of the medical costs of treating those people, wounded in 10 minutes, but, in some cases, needing medical and psychological care for decades.

The AR-15, dubbed “America’s Rifle” by the NRA and the gun market as a sales pitch, was developed from the military M-16 by Colt and is extremely popular with snoopin’ and poopin’ militia members who play soldiers and Indians in the woods on weekends. They love to strut down the streets of red and blue cities during parades and protests. 

The AR-15 can be customized for lighter or heavier ammunition, looks like a military rifle, can take scopes and other accessories, and has an effective range of 500 to 800 yards. Like most rifles, it has some recoil, but can fire hundreds of rounds in a minute from 20-round magazines and drums holding up to 100 rounds.

We reduce traffic accident victims from 40,000 by passing regulations
We now spend billions on roads, bridges, overpasses, roundabouts, bike lanes, signage and law enforcement to reduce traffic and pedestrian deaths. 

More than a half century ago, Robert F. Kennedy, campaigning for the Democratic nomination for president, was in Cleveland a day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. He addressed the Cleveland City Club with these reminders: “The mindless menace of violence in America again stains our land and every one of our lives. A sniper is a coward, not a hero, the uncontrolled mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people (Think Jan 6!). Violence, whether carried out by one man or a gang, degrades an entire nation. Yet we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and out claims to civilization alike. We calmly accept newspaper reports of civilian slaughter in far off lands. We glorify killing on movie and television screens and call it entertainment. We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire weapons and ammunition they desire. Some look for scapegoats, others look for conspiracies, but this much is clear, violence breeds violence, repression brings retaliation, and only a cleaning of our whole society can remove this sickness from our soul.”

Two months after this speech, Robert Kennedy was well on his way to the presidential nomination and possibly the defeat of Richard Nixon. After a rousing speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, as he was leaving the hotel through a crowded kitchen, a young man named Sirhan Sirhan shot him in the head. He was 42 years old. Since then, death and destruction by firearm has only gotten worse. 

A half century later, The Divided States of America Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has released an advisory on firearm violence, declaring that firearm violence has become a major public health crisis. The use of firearms to settle arguments, commit “police” suicide, establish gang “zones” in cities, to become a hero, devil or demon, to get even because of bullying and beatings, or for another thousand reasons has increased to the point that 54% of American adults have experienced a firearm-related incident, and the leading cause of death among children one to 19 is death by firearms. 

Firearm deaths by Black youth represent half of all youth death although Blacks represent only 14% of the total population. The advisory lists 15 major areas that must be researched and adopted if the firearm violence crisis will be abated. The gun culture continues to spread violence and death. 
The latest infection is being spread by a company called American Rounds. It makes money by selling rifle, shotgun and handgun ammunition in vending machines placed in your neighborhood grocery stores. Federal licenses are not required for selling ammunition. We license hair dressers and dog groomers, but not bullet sellers.

Where Trumplican gods are fighting and smiting Demonocrats
When leaders of evangelical and fundamentalist Christians such as Billy Graham’s son Franklin laid their hands on the “Big Sinner” Donald Trump and proclaimed him as “The Chosen One,” we have had many White Christian Nationalists indicate they may use violence to turn the Blue Sea into the Red Sea.
As an example of that belief, Indiana Wesleyan Theologian Miranda Zapor Cruz sermonizes: “You (that means all Christians!) are either on the side of God or on the side of the Devil. If you are on the side of the Devil, then just about anything can be justified to cast you out, to eradicate your influence. And for some people that ‘just about anything’ would include physical violence.” 

Zealous “Christians” who believe the Divided States of America must “return” to being a Christian nation, say liberals, progressives and Democrats are enemies that may have to be “smited” to bring this holy event to fruition. 

General Michael Flynn, former national security adviser for Barack Obama and the “Orange Genius” by shouting “Lock Her Up!” in reference to Hillary Clinton, is now a rabid member of MAGA, and has gained the attention of the “Chosen One” in reference to Hillary Clinton, and has earned Trump’s favor by spreading the word the former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is really a demon directed by the Devil, thereby becoming a Demonocrat.

Want collectibles from the assassination attempt? Buy sneakers!
While watching Secret Service agents trying to protect “The Chosen One” from more bullets by surrounding him with their bodies, I was puzzled by The Donald’s voice crying out: “Let me get my shoes! Let me get my shoes!” 

Had he slipped out of them behind the podium? Here he is, bleeding from the ear, hearing other shots, and he’s worried about losing his shoes? One was left on stage. I wonder now if he was thinking of future sales if he survived the assassination attempt. 

I didn’t know at the time the former president was a skilled shoe salesman. He even has a website: Just a couple of days later the website advertised white “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT High Tops.” They were very “limited edition” sneakers (5,000 pair) emblazoned with Trump’s iconic bloody image with his fist raised in defiance that “would honor his determination and bravery. 

Also part of the pitch: “Show your support and patriotic pride with these exclusive sneakers capturing a defining moment in history (A bonus 10 are randomly autographed by the survivor!)” Customers were limited to three pairs at the sensational price of $399 a pair. MAGA cult members bought all of them in a couple days and will receive them in September or October. This sale was so successful that King Donald’s business called 45Footwear offered 4,700 black pairs with 12 signed for sale immediately for $299 a pair. 

For those MAGA people who don’t need ankle support, the business also advertised white, black and gold “Never Surrender Low Tops” for $199 a pair. Business was so good, 45Footwear also offered gold Trump Presidential Golf Shoes for $499 and immediately sold out. 

Browsers on the website could also buy cologne, perfume and two kinds of Trump-embossed booze coolers. And in the middle of this bonanza, Trump sold a lot of his Bibles for the original price of $59.95. He still used his original pitch developed in March: “All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. (I wonder if he meant homes or Bibles). It’s my favorite book. I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible.” 

When asked if he could remember a single quote or proverb in the Bible, he refused the opportunity. Left over from a previous sale, Trump’s business has also dumped for sale “NEVER SURRENDER” T-shirts bearing the mugshot taken by Georgia law enforcement when he was indicted. 

Will Trump consider himself ‘born again’ after claiming he was saved?
Rocio Cleveland, a White Christian Nationalist from Illinois attending the Republican Convention had this reaction after being “shocked” by the assassination attempt: “I was speechless. I was crying. I was in tears. I think this tragic event that happened to President Trump, I think it will restore the faith in our country, as horrible as it may sound. The world saw a miracle before their eyes.” 

Many MAGA cult members agree with her. Many reported that they saw the hand of God in Trump’s escape from death from a 20-year-old shooter who was considered a conservative Republican. 
The Guardian reporter Sidney Blumenthal, in his article “To His Supporters, Trump is a Martyred Messiah Resurrected After Crucifixion,” wrote the following: “The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has transformed the theology of Trump. He has long portrayed himself as an innocent lamb falsely accused, the Target of slings and arrows to bear the suffering of believers. Now the bullet and the blood of Butler, Pennsylvania have sanctified him for the faithful and brought forth a new gospel.”  

The Chosen One puts it this way: “The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle. I’m still not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be dead. By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here.” 

Has the Big Liar been reborn? He may still wear orange coveralls. If God did save him, we should ask Him why He doesn’t save the children from the bullets of Glocks and AR-15s. Maybe some of those MAGA Christian Nationalists with clerical collars have an answer.
