Letters: July 11, 2024

Fascism thrives on hate and fear

We are witnessing the rise of American fascism.  Such a statement may seem alarmist, but let’s look at the facts.
Fascism is an authoritarian system of government characterized by extreme nationalism, disregard of human rights, and a belief in racial purity or a master race. Racism fuels fascism, promoting discrimination against or suppression of demonized “others” such as immigrants, Jews, or ethnic or sexual minorities. Under fascism the military is dominant, and paramilitarism is condoned. Violence is justified as “redemptive.”    

Fascism thrives on hatred and fear. “Patriotic” fervor is churned to a fever pitch by vilifying treacherous domestic or foreign enemies. Frightening stories are created and repeated about the hideous, depraved and dangerous plots that these enemies have concocted to destroy the lives of ordinary citizens. The absurdity of the stories is overmatched by loud, shrill voices and unending repetition. Truth and civility are pushed aside. “Big lies” dominate discourse. 

We all recognize that American political discourse has become more extreme, more disturbing, and more partisan. What may be less obvious is that this extreme, disturbing partisanship is rooted in a new acceptance of all the elements of fascism. 
Some of our political leaders now embrace white supremacy and disparage immigrants and refugees. Some refer to their opponents as “thugs” or “vermin,” clearly inviting followers to regard the opposition as less than human. It is a short step from dehumanizing one’s opponents to justifying violence against them. Some of our political leaders disregard truth altogether in their speaking and policies, promoting their own imagined “reality” because it is more helpful in whipping up hatred and fear among their followers. 

Most disturbingly, some of our politicians openly admire overtly antidemocratic, authoritarian regimes – Russia, Hungary, North Korea – whose leaders would like to see our democracy fail. American fascism has highly placed supporters.      
Charles Gessert 
Duluth, Minnesota


Current events

Now half the country is drunk
On the ravings of a lunatic.
We have ignorance to thank
For giving us a maniac.
The common folk – just think! –
In love with a billionaire
Whose motives are clearly rank,
Who says right out he “doesn’t care
About you,” he “only wants
Your vote!”  A man whose vows
Include, yes, concentration camps,
And prison, if any oppose.
What happened, that we mistook hate
For patriot love and union?
The richest, meanest hypocrites
Have convinced a population
That wrong is right, up is down.
Now God is up for takers
Who wear the cross and lie and fawn
To win a crowd of suckers.
Jane Whitledge
Duluth, Minnesota

We’re all immigrants on this bus

Lately on the news there’s been a lot said about religon and the Republican Party and things that former president Trump has said that didn’t believe. It grates me every time they say that we are a Christian country we have good and law abiding people of all religons in this country. Then we have the states that have the Ten comments in all public schools another slap in the face for those of other religons. Then the latest is having bibles and bible studies in schools.  I wonder which bible they plan to use especially since there are several different kinds also another insult to those who are not Christians. Even though I am a Christian I accept that there are many different Religons as well as different Christian religons. Finally when ever I hear that America is for Americans I think about how many people who should not belong here since their relatives came here from other countries. In fact Trump’s wife wasn’t even born here.  If America is for American people only then the only people who should belong here is the Native Americans.
Cecilia Hill
Duluth, Minnesota

The elephant in the room

Are people as concerned about this upcoming election as I am? As we are seeing, the media is obsessed with Donald Trump. And the media is doing a disservice by repeating his lies over and over again. 
George Lakoff, who is a linguist, has written a book, Don’t Think of an Elephant. In the book he explains the power of words and how they influence our thinking,
After you read the title, probably the first thing you think about is an elephant.
George Lakoff explains that the more a lie is repeated, the more it is reinforced. This is exactly what we are seeing. The lies are repeated over and over again by the media. This is true for the Washington Post, New York Times and others.
Repeating the hate over and over again, also reinforces the hate. We are seeing this to be true – hate for immigrants, people of color, the poor, and the list grows longer by the day.
 Now the hate is focused on top elected officials who have investigated DT. He will prosecute in “televised military tribunals” and is calling for jailing President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and former VP Mike Pence
DT singled out 15 former and current elected officials, including Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming congresswoman, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.
The list of people on the list include: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Representatives Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Zoe Lofgren, and Bennie Thompson who investigated the January 6th attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.  
DT disparages the Capitol Police who defended the Capitol and calls them “Pussies.”
What about the coverage for all that the Biden/Harris Administration have accomplished since 2021. We aren’t seeing media attention regarding this.
Here are five of the 30 accomplishments: 
1. Renewable power is the No. 2 source of electricity in the U.S., and climbing.
2. The nations farms get big bucks to go “climate-smart.”
3. Giving smaller food producers a boost. 
4. Biden moves to bring microchip production home through the CHIPS Act.
5. Fixing bridges, building tunnels and expanding broadband that are included in the Infrastructure Act.
News about jobs that have been created since 2021 reports that 7.9 million jobs have been created, with 206,000 jobs have been created in June of 2024. 
Please take the time to research Project 2025, the 900-page plan by the Heritage Foundation. Our form of government will be destroyed piece by piece.
We are the employers! We pay the salaries and benefits of those who are elected. As an employer, who would you hire to lead the country for the next four years? It is our duty to defend our form of government. The answer is clear. Hire President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and other Democrats. 
Joyce M. Luedke
Weston, Wisconsin

Amendment 25 now!

Pre-debate: It has to be very evident by everyone that Biden’s cognitive issues(beyond Prosecutor Hur’s summary of memory issues) with the past week’s incidents. The 3 that have been video are the G7 group where Biden is seen wandering off from the group looking at the skydivers. Then the event celebrating Juneteenth where the group was moving to the music and Biden was standing still. Finally, at the Hollywood fund raiser where Obama had to guide Biden offstage. The White House response is that these videos were “cheap fakes.” I think they meant that Biden is the cheap fake!

It is definite time to invoke the Constitution’s Amendment 25 where the President can be removed from office due to mental deficiencies. Some would worry that “word salad” Kamala would then become the “acting” President. However, that would only be for a few months or maybe the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, would be approved?

Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats have a poor track record voting for America vs. their party. A couple of examples: in 2020 a bill was passed in the House to investigate the origins of COVID-19. It was 100% of Senate Democrats voting against this bill. Why? A more recent example was the DHS Secretary Mayorkas was impeached by the House but 100% of Senate Democrats voted against the resolution. Why?

It is very sad on the world stage that our enemies see Biden’s many cognitive issues! 
Debate update: Biden Bombed! Trump Tremendous! The New York Times said Trump lied 26 times. However, no mention of Biden’s lies. Such as #1 - No soldiers have died during his Presidency. #2 - The Border Patrol have endorses Biden. #3 - No terrorists have crossed the border.
Chuck Bracken
Cannon Falls, Minnesota