Duluth Core Learning, a place for all to thrive

Carol George

To Carolyn Haney, Executive Director of Duluth Core Learning (DCL), her place of business is much more than just a job. It was born out of a passion to help her own son, and others, whom she observed struggling in schools and/or in the community.

On the DCL website, she shares, "As an educator and counselor with over 20 years of experience, I've always had a nagging feeling that something was amiss in the way some students learn." It was this nagging feeling, that one size does not fit all in learning, that sparked the idea of creating Duluth Core Learning. "Our greatest challenge," she states, "is getting the word out to people that we are here and also clarifying what we are. People often confuse us with a tutoring service and think we only work with children. When clients work with us, things do improve academically, but our ultimate goal is to build independent, efficient learners and achievers of all ages, for a lifetime. WE SERVE ALL AGES."

DCL individualizes its programming by first identifying the root cause of their clients' challenges, then develops a plan to help remediate those challenges. Naturally, these programs often include targeting basic academic skills such as reading, writing, spelling and mathematics, but its ultimate goal teaches strategies on how to better organize thinking while processing information and integrating skills and information. Their methods include multisensory learning that may include movement such as hopscotch for processing, motor planning and coordination, and, music, which is a part of listening therapy that improves auditory processing, memory and attention.  

She continues, "Traditional teaching methods are in place because they have been effective for many children over the years. The problem isn’t that all of this needs to change, however, now that we know that 30% of our population does not learn best with traditional methods, we need to use different methods, and this is where DCL can fill in the gaps." She adds, "I want all people to understand that just because they’re struggling, it doesn’t mean they can’t learn. They just need a different approach to help them shine. We are lucky, and honored, to be part of the process as our clients grow and change. Our greatest reward is watching daily progress as their confidence, happiness, and achievements take off!"

For a short period of time, Haney worked as a kindergarten teacher, then for nearly 20 years, she was a school counselor. Her work with diverse families and children has helped her better understand the needs and fears people have about the future.

"As parents, we all want to see our kids succeed. When they struggle, the whole family struggles with them. It can be incredibly stressful and painful to watch. After kids age out of high school, those struggles don't magically end, those same issues often influence their adult lives and trajectories, and may limit future opportunities." she adds.  

"Duluth Core Learning is a safe space where, in partnership with our clients, we stop this cycle and turns things around, helping to create confidence and success."

Their current location, at 4801 Burning Tree Road in Duluth, has been a labor of love. Designing the space itself was its own challenge.

"It is always hard to decide the best use of our space and to anticipate our needs. We broke up our new space into smaller, more individualized rooms, which, with some new programming we are implementing, we now wish had been kept more open. Our motto is to always be ready to flex and move, which is exactly what this new program entails, music and movement. We are finding ways to make this new program fit the new space."

In the years to come, Haney's goals include helping even more children and adults, and to better partner with schools and workplaces in the community.

When asked to share a couple of anecdotal stories about the methods used at DCL, Haney was more philosophical,  "It is difficult to describe how rewarding it is to see an angry, withdrawn child come out of their shell and smile and begin to participate in life and school. To see that same child approaching life with a confident smile and, moreover, enjoy learning is as rewarding as it gets! We had an adult client who had struggled her entire life with learning and focus, and erroneously believed she was stupid and incapable. After strengthening her auditory processing and attention skills, she was able to pass an entrance exam and got the job of her dreams! She achieved what she had not thought was possible." Neuroplasticity is a remarkable phenomenon.

Haney, concludes, "I encourage everyone to recognize the myriad possibilities there are for our bodies, our brains and our ability to change and grow and become more. Our world faces many challenges and we all have something to contribute. Somehow we need to find a way together so all of us have the ability to shine, or as we say at DCL, to show off how smart we really are!"