Letters: May 23, 2024

Why do so many tend to believe the worst?

We’ve been plagued by bizarre conspiracy theories and a complete distrust in authority figures in recent years. Why? Perhaps Nixon’s lies used to cover up Watergate, exacerbated by an unwinnable war in Vietnam, caused us to no longer trust our leaders.
I have debated many 911 conspiracy believers, who display superior attitudes while telling me, “OK LET ME EXPLAIN IT ONCE AGAIN!” But each time I checked out the anomalies they doted on, I found they were all rationally debunked by scientific websites that prove that the 911 people were wrong. Many of these scientific websites have been providing the same facts for decades – facts that have been revamped to accommodate what 911 conspiracy believers want to believe i.e. that GW Bush deliberately ordered attacks on the Twin Towers to establish a new ally in a Middle Eastern oil-rich nation – and they choose to believe that GW intentionally destroyed the WTC – the financial hub of American businesses for God’s sake! 

It never occurs to them that GW simply took advantage of what Al Qaeda had done, to declare war on Iraq! – something that is very devious, but nowhere near as incredibly devious as 911 Conspiracy people want us to believe!!
Now the same kinds of beliefs are used to elect Autocrats who lie with each breath and turn facts on their heads while claiming they are faultless, and that the Justice Department is simply out to get them – a common tactic used by every president facing impeachment!
Facts have also been attacked by anti-vaccine deniers, who completely disregard the integrity of the CDC and the FDA, and believe not only are pharmaceutical companies greedy, but that researchers, salesmen, and even family doctors, don’t care a bit about killing babies just to make a few more bucks – including that vaccinations cause autism, despite numerous professional studies that have disproved that claim. Unfortunately grieving parents want to believe the worst to explain why their children died, even though some may have died due to crib deaths – a common occurrence that causes the incredible and understandable grief of their parents. However,  science now knows that autism begins in the womb before their babies receive even a single injection.

The radical right spins unbelievable tales about the attacks at New Town and the Parkland school district in Florida, being only acted-out dramas, carried out by liberal actors, to create a way to “grab their guns,” despite the many common sense ways that anyone can prove this allegation is not true – while Trumpers like Alex Jones, become rich attacking every fact that might jeopardize Trump’s re-election.

So, If people are gullible enough to reject simple common sense, they must be fearful of every fact that jeopardizes Trump’s chances to win. Perhaps they did lose a child in a crib death and need to believe it was caused by vaccines. But today’s total disregard for facts and genuine authorities could enable Trump to evade conviction and run for President if voters don’t understand how his total disregard for facts and genuine authorities might enable Trump to do anything he wants. And we might elect someone who will destroy our constitution to please religions and politicians who seek to neutralize Democrats and completely change the Constitution.

For all of you who are unknowingly enabling him, I pray that you’ll consult real fact-checkers and become unaware of the lies that autocrats want to make their people believe, until one day, as in Nazi Germany, even ordinary citizens--Repubs or Dems, are tossed into prison for saying anything that displeases the autocrats and tyrants who want to control us all. Trump admires Putin for ruling with an iron fist, as he murders all those who oppose him! For God’s sake, heaven help us all!
Peter W. Johnson
Superior, Wisconsin