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Open pit mining built ore dumps contain overburden, non-ore material covering the ore body, plus amounts of ore considered too low-grade for commercial use at the time. Considering we are talking mines starting up a hundred years ago, it’s not surprising that improved smelting means mine dumps could themselves now be mined. As I recall, mining companies kept records of what went into the dumps in order to have an approximate location for useless overburden and low grade ore. Calling these carefully constructed hills mere dumps leaves out more than it says.
Isn’t that often so? We had (and have) lots of COVID talk, but seems to unofficial ignorant me a strong reason behind China being omitted from the origin-creation tale involving pangolins, bats and unexplained transference was China (and others) having motivation to see a pandemic set into motion chains of events bringing (CCP wet dream) increased social control. As important and predictable, the downfall of political parties and persons caught napping and therefore negligent in preventing the pangolin-bat genesis. In a few words, COVID got rid of Trump, a notion crossing my mind at the get-go as an effective strategy to wipe away an opponent. Not as conspiracy inclined as some, I can see de-Trumping may have been the goal. To the relief and joy of many, it worked. The victims, after all, are in no position to fuss from six feet under.
Also, not that a public health crisis would be so used, pandemic (demi or otherwise) was a cash cow. Public health requires this, that and other provided mask, gown and injection by public spirited profit seekers. The economics of required participation in mandated areas is more gold than silver. When I was young a marriage of government and business was thought fascist due to the chief practitioners being the highly successful social-government programs in Germany and Italy who when joined by the Soviet Socialists achieved the high distinction of kicking off WWII using those very tools. My hat tipped to them. Again, possibly a common theme, those put six feet under are effectively silenced. No complaint. No problem.
Looking back, review or reassessment, is useful as uncovering current value in old dumps. But, there being a lot of the past back there to consider makes for a major big job. Consider this. Some years past at a craft event a friend introduced to a new person adding, in a whisper, about me, “He’s a conservative.” Starting with JFK, I thought myself liberal with a traditionalist side. Looking back, however, needs be said Kennedy’s “ask not what your country can do for you” wouldn’t fly well in a climate of “give me your demands.” Different times, but more important is the habit of having to label others, a practice that didn’t really tell the recipient very much other than the person whispering intel wished to be seen in a friendlier light. Labels aren’t policies; that is until they’re used to segregate-separate kernels from disposable chaff. Faith or belief systems often have more to say about human value than does political categorizing. But whether political or religious typing is used, the consequence comes with power. All souls may be held equal in God’s eye, but some believers stand ever-ready to cull on behalf of the overworked Almighty. Same politically when ethnic diversity is touted while ethnic dilution is practiced as was done a mere century ago by National and Soviet Socialists. The new, enlightened worker couldn’t thrive with old ethnicities and beliefs. Deporting and scattering large numbers of Ukrainians and Poles addressed that problem, but left the troubled battlefields of today. Glorious good is often proclaimed above the trampling cries of incidental casualties. Attempts to improve populations by deporting (Jews, Ukrainians, Romani’s, etc.) go hand-glove with importing diluting or preferred populations. One’s followers and supporters can’t be rewarded with land or jobs if others already have those things. Out with the old, in with the replacement. Eliminate complaint; problem gone.
Digging into the ore dump of history shouldn’t be left to the old, who aren’t alone in the pool. I’d hope for general cringe and unease at how generally divisive nearly all areas of news and info have become. From ten best to experts say to never do this-that here-there, judgment is constant and not helpful in news salads of bashing, slamming and destroying. How ‘bout less grandstanding and more attention to making and understanding arguments? I mean it. Couldn’t we, once in a while, get a clue-in on how voting is antidemocratic? I ask because seem what’s mostly meant is someone worrying over an unwanted outcome. Democracy involves lots of tricky balancing of interests done in a distracting climate of attention grabbing. Damn difficult gone impossible when any participant insists on primacy and ultimate correctness. Makes no difference if that participant is noble, religious or political, etc. Pontificating doesn’t help a democracy survive, but learning might.
So, what’s in a mine dump? Digging uncovers. Recall Stevenson’s Kidnapped? Seventeen year old Scot, David Balfour, kidnapped, sold into servitude (a form of enslavement) by a greedy uncle in 1751. First serialized for young readers in the 1810’s it was a success despite being difficult. Difficult? In modern terms complain relevancy asking how many young readers were Scots able to handle accents, foreign language, highland-lowland distinctions or care a wit about Jacobites. Condemn and bury out-of-touch work in favor of easily grasped universals. And so instead of difficult and challenging we get strings of sweet-minded material concerning various forms of friendly pastel unicorns welcoming the youthful reader; enjoy. In adult form the enjoyable pastel unicorn steps to wonder about riding nonresistant giant worms on imaginary planets or the potency of the Potter boy’s magical wand. Digging in the mine dump uncovers hard rock where pastel imagining is of little use confronting difficult times or topics or words. What was fine when age seven has grown too popular and its proponents too lazy.
Look back. Dig into what was considered waste. Worth the effort.
A Methodist professor advised me, “You’re not a theologian. Don’t write about religion.” Fine counsel. But as a liar I have no restrictions.
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