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We're new transplants from out of state. We love the Beautiful, Quiet, Pristine, Cultural and Diverse Twin Ports.
WTF is up with all the "Glass Pack" Assholes waking us up, tearing through streets, DISTURBING THE PEACE...!? Ex-Hooker friend told me, "They ALWAYS had Super Tiny Dicks."
Why is this Legal? Fines should he HEFTY for DISTURBING BLOCK AFTER BLOCK of Home Owners! Further, Why would dudes drive around announcing that to EVERYBODY?
Walter J and Family, Duluth-Superior
Non-stop lies from the right
I would like to emphasize once again my belief that Trump supporters like Rosemarie Mitchell of Duluth are sincere in the positions they take, and of course, that Trump supporters, and Trump himself, have a right to express their 1st amendment views and defend themselves, but I also believe Mitchell is misinformed and does not provide convincing evidence that Trump's intentions are really good or that his right to prove himself is being denied.
Even if one exclusively watches liberal news media, one sees the words and statements spoken by Trump while defending himself and attacking Democrats, which illustrate that the man has been given more opportunities to malign liberal news media than virtually any other person, one can see that words spoken by Trump are constantly used while defending himself and attacking Democrats. The man has been given more opportunities to express his views and prove himself, than any other President in US history!
First he had numerous recounts which all found no significant voter fraud used by dems. He also hired Dominion Voting Systems which eventually sued him for trying to destroy its reputation. And all the States contested by Trump have done numerous recounts with both democrats and republicans watching, to make sure that the final counts were legit--and they were!
Not one recount has been proved to be significantly in error! Additionally, all the ballot stuffing and supposed manipulations done by Democratic operatives, were soundly disproved! Tons of mail-in ballots arrived late during the 2020 elections, simply because that's the way both parties wanted it! And boxes of many forms that were supposedly cast unfairly were used by Republicans to claim the elections were stolen--they weren't!
Repubs also brought up a major burst that occurred in a water pipe, which they claimed enabled Dems to cast thousands of illegal votes, but this was also disproved: Trump refused to comply with the FBI for 13 months, while his boxes of illegally taken documents remained unexamined by authorities, and when the FBI finally acted, it was not a raid, it was a respectful and ordinary search using a legal search warrant.
For God's sake Rosemarie! Each day, mainstream media is constantly showing clips of Trump, claiming this or that before crowds of thousands of supporters, most of them involving Trump's claims that he is being persecuted by the DOJ, when in fact the DOJ has appointed several special prosecutors to help examine Trump's case. Yet more than 60 judges Trump hoped would support him, didn't, due to a simple lack of evidence!. Yet Trump and his supporters claim that even judges that he appointed were threatened into silence by "the deep state?"--yet another false idea used by Trump to spread the idea that numerous Federal and Circuit judges have refused to acknowledge the truth?
Federal Judges could not only be assigned their own protection, they could be assigned military protection if need be! Does anyone really think they could be so easily controlled by Democrats?
The right wing is continually using unproven accusations to portray Trump as a poor victim, or a martyr for Truth--an accusation often used by public figures who fail to supply actual evidence that supports them. Thus, even a 6 to 3 conservative SCOTUS simply refused to hear Trump's case. Are they also being threatened by Democratic assassins?
The "pillow guy" is a prime example, for years he has claimed that the 2020 elections were fixed and that he can prove it. Yet years later he has not divulged even the smallest iota of objective proof?
Personally, I prefer not be manipulated by right wing propaganda (including claims that the 20 children shot to death at Sandy Hook, by a kid with an AR-15, were all actors in a staged Democratic play, or that the many students killed by another armed gunman in the Parkland school district of Florida were all just actors playing roles, (designed by liberals) to justify "grabbing" everyone's guns?--Something that is so disprovable on so many levels! So if the right wing can really prove their lies, let them do it!--we've all been waiting for years, yet the best Trump supporters can come up with is, "because we know it's true?" Is it really?
Peter W. Johnson, Superior, Wisconsin
Think more kindly about Beyond & Impossible
Suppose we wanted to make an unhealthy environment. First confine hundreds, even thousands, of animals into a confined space. Then further stress them by doing painful procedures. The air quality will be bad plus contain particles of pee and poop. People won"t be lining up to work here. But if people are afraid of gangs or cartels it can seem like a better choice. People at risk of deportation aren't likely to complain about working conditions. This week on the radio, 9 billion was the number given for animals who are raised this way in USA each year.
Please, think more kindly about the Beyond and Impossible burgers, and consider what we spare ourselves from seeing, hearing, smelling and breathing.
Karen Moore, Duluth, Minnesota
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