Letters: Jan. 12, 2023

A Minnesotan proud of diversity
Now that I am history, it has become my great interest. Our Natives say if we do not know where we came from, we do not know where we are going.
Minnesota history is very interesting. It became state 1859 and has had House and Senate ever since but it did not have party designation. Democrats were Liberals and Republicans Conservatives until 1973-1974 legislative biennium when they obtained their party designations. Conservatives had majorities in both chambers more than 100 years except for two years in Minnesota House until 1972. During the 1971 Legislative Session (Minnesota Legislature was meeting only every other year until 1973) there was only one female in Minnesota House, but that number increased to 13 1973-1974. The Senate got its first female in a special election during that period. 2023-2024 will have more female than male legislators in the Senate.

I was honored to serve with African Americans, Asians. Latinos et cetera during my tenure. 
Also, finally, after long discrimination, homosexuals, lesbians and others are being elected.
I am proud to be a Minnesotan.
Mike Jaros
Duluth, Minnesota

The vitamin C connection
It started in Cook. A small group of people trying to start a Range Animal Shelter, heard there was a veterinarian running dogs on a treadmill. He was not from our area, but was paid by the pet food industries. He said he would give a brief talk and then answer any questions we had.
A lady asked if it was all right to give her outside dog some fat from a beef roast or would it clog his blood vessels? The vet answered this way – It was OK to give some fat but not to worry that her dog would suffer from clogged blood vessel because animals don have the form of heart disease humans have.

They don't have the adhesive factor Lp(a) humans carry to provide cholesterol band aids to cover damaged blood vessels. He thought most animals are protected by the continuous bathing of the blood vessels in vitamin C. They make part of the blood sugar (glucose) into vitamin C. Almost all mammals do this.

I was going cholesterol education at the time, but with that information in my head, I decided to make sure of this with my usual vet. She said they learned about this C connection in veterinary studies, but usually didn’t think of that in daily practice. She was a visiting vet who often saw pets in their home setting, under the bed.

Further research by Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Matthias Rath was done with animals that could not make their own vitamin C (primate and guinea pigs). They found that when vitamin C levels are reduced, collagen production drops and blood vessels become thinner and weaker. When these animals are deprived of C, their body increases Lp(a) to form plaque deposits to band-aid arteries to prevent internal bleeding.

In 1993 Dr. Pauling claimed that oral C and the amino (part of protein) lysine can provide “complete control” of occlusive cardiovascular disease. Lysine and C act as anti-Lp(a) and will keep blood vessels clear of cholesterol plaques. No statins needed and both are antiviral.
Dr. Rath states, “Starting in kindergarten our children will learn that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and that the supplementation of this and other essential nutrients in the basic measure for a long and healthy life.”
Vitamin C is the only antiviral vitamin with many other abilities. We know it as helpful against colds, but it could tackle any virus. Why don't our doctors mention this aid? Several doctors told me that they have no education about vitamins and minerals or essential fats. Some doctors are asking for this education in the interim clinics could have little handouts about C and make sure the patient knows what foods carry C or other nutrients. We do this in the WIC program.

When it comes to the helath problems of this age, drugs may help, vaccines work, masks provide some protection, but nutrition cannot be forgotten.
Albert Szent-Gyorgi won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for his discovery and characterization of vitamin C. The medical profession took a narrow view. The Nobelist claimed that scurvy is not a first symptom of a lack of C, but a final collapse, a pre-mortal syndrome of overall health.
If you feel that too much credit is given to vitamin C, you might want to read the book by Norman Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness. He was cured in part by intravenous vitamin C.
Fore more information, visit wks.com/pauling.
Marlyn Swanson, BSN
Virginia, Minnesota