Letters Feb. 11, 2021

We’re in good hands now

Finally, we are beyond the vicious malignancy of the Trump stranglehold on the presidency. We can begin to see new light in Washington, D.C.

We collectively wonder, however, if this was a temporary aberration or perhaps it might be something that could happen again if the same set of circumstances were to materialize.

By all appearances, the current administration seems competent and ready to lead in a coherent and confident manner.

I, for one, have been praying consistently for Mr. Biden until the knees of my pants are wearing thin.
One thing is now certain – no one man is more powerful than this nation’s democracy! Amen.

Look forward to the future, folks. I think we are in very good hands!

Ken Bracken
St. Paul, Minnesota

Stop the clearcutting!

Dear Northern Minnesota & Big Money,

Somebody, any bodies! Please quit clear cutting forests to make new commercial developments. I know it looks nicer to be surrounded by suburbia instead of being in an old downtown. But the percentage of old growth forests being cut globally is going to kill us faster than we are able to kill ourselves or each other with guns, drugs and pandemic stupidity. We need to save what we can.

Why not develop a plan to reuse existing city properties with expired buildings on them instead? Some buildings can be rehabilitated. Some may need to be replaced. Either way, at least it will not destroy an ecosystem. Please stop the sprawl. It’s greedy and wrong.

Mary Klausen
Two Harbors, Minnesota