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Editor’s Note by Paul Whyte: When Ramona Marozas of CBS Channel 3 in Duluth asked if she could submit a CD review, I figure I’d let her give it a shot. This was originally posted to Facebook, thus the somewhat casual nature of this writeup. Either way, enjoy. There may be more entertainment pieces by Ramona in the future.
Have I ever had a musician send me a CD to the TV station for my perusal? No, I didn’t even know the definition of the word, but I am happy to review it. And will again if anyone ever does that again lol.
Marc Gartman - a man who I learned stories about from the station when I moved to Duluth even before I met him, people thought of him fondly. And one of my best friends, Cam Rose, recently painted for one of his music videos. I did a yoga class for one of his music videos, which I think are getting more creatively substance-driven than his past videos, which nonetheless have been viewed a lot on the interwebs. But enough about the man, I’ll write about the music of Glitteratti.
Initially, I thought I could probably define it as “sensuality and intellectuality” based on how I try to pull those trends out of everything that I come into contact with, lol jk. Instead, I’m getting a vibe of “calm, chill, different, lustful love lullaby.”
But every song is different:
1) Ask The Mrs.: It’s almost like the threatening words are disguised with how calm Marc sounds when he delivers them. But he obviously wants more from the Mrs., turning that nickel into a dime. I think many can relate to wanting more from someone than maybe they’re willing to cash in on at the time. But the “in time” line kinda makes it all a mystery, will patience pay off. The beat is electric, haunting, and alienistic.
2) Dancing With Only Yourself: Opening reggae, acoustic. I’d listen to the beat alone all night. I like the beat. My attention on this one falls more to the beat than the lyrics. But I started the song over so I can focus on the lyrics for this review. If there’s no thought to your action - that happens often lol i think we can all relate, at least one time in your life you couldn’t control yourself, and if you dont understand, you should have a dance with yourself. Marc sings that he’s in it for the long haul, worships the ground where you eat, makes it his number one mission to be at your feet, earlier he said teeth and muscles - incorporating many body parts and bones. Idk - I’d say that’s all really romantic. He said he would get drunk off pushing, which opens my eyes to different types of love, usually it’s the pull in people rave about, but the pushing even fills him, it’s a love song.
3) In Pasadena: Alright so I’m in my own little world. I had to Google where that is, California eh? Oh that’s right, I heard (rumor factory maybe) that Marc moved here to make a Bob Dylan documentary, and ended up staying in Duluth. But we’re focused on his singing about her - Pasadena. Good beat. He says you just can’t leave her, but he did move to Duluth, so I think this is about someone he loved from Cali, but we are all privy to our own interpretations. Or someone from Duluth that he can’t lead to Pasadena. Who knows. Lol.
4) The Monsters Eat You: A funner beat of the bunch making up the five song CD. I do like the spirit walker, spirit talker lines. In the bunch of spirits there’s always the monsters, sometimes you can’t pick and choose which spirits come to you, like you can’t at time with who you end up falling in love with. Which is a fine thing, this song makes me feel comfortable with that. No one ever said it was easy. Spirit walking, spirit talking, love between the lines, maybe you didn’t ask for monsters and trolls, but you still want them. Dysfunctional dynasty.
5) Visions: Electric, dance, voodoo. I disagree (dreams are open to our own interpretation ;) lol, dreams are what they seem - most times. Your dreams will come to fruition. Regardless, I like the beat. My favorite is #2. Cuz of that beat :).
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