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After years of silence and general disinterest, Bob Dylan has returned to Duluth to help oversee a new project. In honor of receiving the Nobel prize, Dylan has decided to erect a statue of himself actually showing up to accept the prize. Curiously he has decided to place the statue immediately aside the well known Leif Erikson bronze in the aptly named park. When asked about all of this Dylan simply responded with, “we can certainly afford to have another cranky old guy idolized in Duluth. The winds have shifted and the times are a-changin.”
Dylan, now 75, struck many off guard with the announcement. After years of solitude and a seemingly dismissive attitude towards Duluth, the writer has turned a new leaf about the city. Local resident Ellen has said, “at first I was unsure of the idea but seeing it now, along the watchtower and lighthouses, it fits as nicely as grandma’s food.”
It should be noted that the ore used for the project will all be from the Duluth area taconite mines. Their first major project since the repeal of pipeline construction by the White House administration. The IMA released the following statement regarding the work
We cannot wait to get the stone rolling on this project. It is truly an honor to work with the great Bob Dylan, invator, songwriter and laureate. Dylan aspired to be his best, just as himself, even if others told him to be like them. He has an uniquely individual persona, that we hope to tangle up in copper ore.
Finally when asked if this would mean that Dylan would be a more regular face around town he gave a simple answer of the negative. When pressed why he answer was only, “that’s just the Bob Dylan Way.”
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