Don’t drink the water: Fluoride, tap water and you

The last time I wrote about the dangers of fluoride, a few different facts were established about this dangerous compound that we drink every day. Let’s do a quick recap:
-Fluoride is an active drug and is labeled as such in all products that contain it. By drinking fluoridated water and using fluoridated toothpaste, one is actually being given a dose of a medication.
-Hydrofluorosilicic acid is refined from phosphate/aluminum factories as a poisonous waste product and is added to water supplies instead of properly disposing it. This is the type of fluoride that we drink here in Duluth and around the northland.
-Over fluoridation can result in thyroid complications, dental fluorosis, impaired development of intelligence, brittle bones and certain bone cancers.
-Fluoride is “safe” at 1 part per million, however, controlling how much fluoride is ingested/absorbed is nearly impossible through bathing, various levels in different beverages, toothpastes, mouthwashes, foods etc.
-If a child swallows more than a pea sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste, they should be taken to a poison control center immediately.

After looking at the facts above, one would probably be dumbfounded as to why this substance is still in our drinking water. How does unrefined toxic waste make it’s way from the factory to your tap water?

Fluoride makes it’s way into our water supplies under the guise of dental hygiene. According to the ADA, CDC, and EPA fluoride has been deemed totally safe for human consumption, and will decrease the amount of cavities in your mouth. However, this is simply not true. The testing that has been done on humans suggests that fluoride in tap water is not necessary for dental health, should not be swallowed and can cause all malignancies listed above. If you have any doubt as to whether or not this is true just Google “pro-fluoride studies.” You will find, oddly, that they do not exist. Not even in the infinite expanse of the world wide web. Zero. Zilch. The fluoride we drink in our water is toxic waste and there is no relevant studies anywhere that validates it’s usage in our tap water? Fluoride’s existence in tap water owes itself to antiquated, bunk science, decades worth of ignorance and the corporate notion of profit expansion before anything else.

Fluorosilicic acid is one of the main sources (91%) of fluoride used in water fluoridation in the United States and it is produced solely from the “wet scrubbers” installed on the smokestacks of phosphate fertilizer factories. Wet scrubbers are devices attached on the inside of factory smokestacks to reduce gaseous pollution. These scrubbers first came about in the 1950‘s after the gaseous effluent from the factories decimated wildlife and vegetation in the area. The scrubbers were installed to trap the harmful gases from the smokestacks and and break them down into liquid form. The liquid contained in the scrubbers is a waste byproduct of phosphorus fertilization called fluorosilicic acid.
 This substance is incredibly toxic and there are certain hazardous waste costs associated with properly disposing of it.  But Instead of properly disposing of it, these companies dodge the waste costs and instead they sell it to chemical companies, who then sell it to municipalities for water fluoridation. Plain and simple. They sell their deadly chemical waste for a profit ($6,000.00 US for a 25kg plastic drum) to help American’s mouths stay healthy.  

On the website of Cameo Chemicals, a company that sells all sorts of hazardous chemicals including fluorosilicic acid, they label the chemical fit for our daily consumption as:

 “A colorless fuming liquid with a penetrating pungent odor. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Both the fumes and very short contact with the liquid can cause severe and painful burns. Used in water fluoridation, in hardening cement and ceramics, as a wood preservative.”

Think of adding 1/4 of a teaspoon of bleach to each liter of water you drink. Then think of drinking that several times a day for your entire life. Bleach is incredibly toxic and over a short time would start to eat away at your body. Except that bleach won’t melt your skin off, fluorosilicic acid will. Studies done in New Zealand, Australia and Maryland link water fluoridation to brittle bones, osteoporosis and an increase in hip fractures. A study in India took a group of children from a fluoridated area and from a non-fluoridated area and compared IQ scores. The children in the fluoridated community’s IQs were “significantly” lower than their counterparts.

There are other independent studies that link fluoridation to osteosarcoma, a rare and oftentimes fatal bone cancer in adolescent boys.  The list of studies goes on and on. Dental fluorosis is the most common side effect of over-fluoridation. It produces a brown or white mottling on the teeth. It is one of the first symptoms of fluoride poisoning and one third of children in America have dental fluorosis and thus are experiencing fluoride poisoning. Numerous independent, peer reviewed studies have been done citing the health risks of fluoridation and no independent studies have been done citing the benefits of fluoridation. This may have one scratching their chin. Why is it still in the water then?!

Imagine the speech the director of the ADA would have to give to the world, apologizing for poisoning everyone for 60 years. Or the EPA’s speech. Or the phosphate corporations. Or the government. Think of the law suits that would be filed. This gargantuan of a mistake cannot be retracted or apologized for. It is mandatory for fluoride proponents to reinforce these “theories” so as to retain their pristine, professional reputations. And certain “professionals” in respected fields have proved their benign incompetence. When new science disproves old science the old science gets the boot. That’s how science works. Remember DDT? Fluoride falls into the same category.

Historically, certain corporations have vociferously dodged responsibility for their actions. A lot of these entities are under “bottom line hypnosis,” where absolutely nothing takes precedence to increasing the profit margin. It seems that some of these frontrunner multinationals would kill their families for a boost in second quarter earnings. This is the mindset though; nothing comes before maximizing profit. Not resources. Not sustainability. Not human health. This is why we have fluoridated water. Not because people in Europe have bad teeth, not because our teeth are less healthy or more prone to decay. Certainly not because water fluoridation helps teeth. It’s a simple game: Profit no matter what the cost.